Tag Archives: programs

Can Affiliate Programs Really Grow my Business

Affiliate programs have been used by some of the most well known and profitable internet businesses to make their millions. Amazon.com and ebay.com are just two examples of websites that have used affiliate programs in a BIG WAY to make money online. Affiliate programs are programs where you pay other people to grow your business. The idea is that you pay them a fraction of the profits you make from the sales they give you so that you are always in profit. For example, some affiliate programs […]

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Niche Marketing: Why It’s so Important

“Say your target customers are everyone, and you will sell to no one.” If your website is not producing as much revenue as you’d like, chances are you’re guilty of not targeting your audience sufficiently. Today’s business environment is so competitive that a small business’s best bet is to focus on developing niche products where there is less competition from large firms. Take the online book market. Amazon.com dominates the field, so smaller start-ups are wise to focus on books in specific niches. There are sites for […]

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