Tag Archives: marketing

Niche Marketing: Why It’s so Important

“Say your target customers are everyone, and you will sell to no one.” If your website is not producing as much revenue as you’d like, chances are you’re guilty of not targeting your audience sufficiently. Today’s business environment is so competitive that a small business’s best bet is to focus on developing niche products where there is less competition from large firms. Take the online book market. Amazon.com dominates the field, so smaller start-ups are wise to focus on books in specific niches. There are sites for […]

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Money Making Affiliate Marketing Tips

Affiliate marketing is an excellent way for the internet entrepreneur to earn income – it requires no stocking of products, no shipping, no handling of returns, no credit card processing, etc. But sometimes it can be hard to make money as an affiliate marketer, because the competition can be pretty stiff. Here are some tips to help you stand out from the crowd of competition. Tip 1 – Content is King If there is an overused cliché in internet marketing, it’s probably “Content is King”. But it […]

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Amazon Marketing Made Easy

Ever thought about how you could make money online? Why not try your hand at internet marketing through Amazon. When it comes to online business through Amazon you can sell your own products or advertise and sell those of others and receive a commission per sale. With a choice of literally thousands of products for sale on Amazon, you are bound to come across an item of interest that you might like to promote. By signing up to one of Amazon’s affiliate programmes you can earn a […]

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Amazon Internet Marketing

Amazon is now one of the world’s biggest and most popular websites around, receiving millions of visits on a daily basis. Each year more and more web developers and internet marketers are setting up online businesses and using Amazon as a starting point. In a nutshell internet marketing involves the electronic process of both buying and selling products or trading with an aim to make a profit. Amazon permits traders to advertise their products and even sell those of others in return for a share of the […]

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Amazon Affiliate Marketing Tips

As technology has progressed over the years the most popular activity online is that of e-commerce and marketing. Then came affiliate marketing which was born from e-commerce and became a very important component of commercial websites where sales profits are shared amongst those who generate leads and referrals. Amazon affiliate marketing has gained not only enormous popularity but also a very trustworthy and reputable name for itself. Affiliates continue to sign up to Amazon affiliate programs as they can count on being paid and gain confidence when […]

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Setting Up an Amazon Affiliate Website

Many of us have toyed with the idea of having an online store. The only things holding us back has been perhaps the thought of how much it would cost to buy, store and stock our products. With this in mind it come as no surprise why setting up an Amazon affiliate website has become a popular alternative. The biggest advantage of working with Amazon is that Amazon is a household name and is a site that has gained a valuable and trustworthy reputation worldwide. Today Amazon […]

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