Sell Your Own Products on Amazon

As well as becoming an affiliate marketer where you can earn money from the sales of other people’s products, selling your own products is now ever more popular. Selling your own products not only entitles you to all of the profit, it also allows you to gain affiliates and have them promote and sell your products as well.

There are several options to consider when it comes to selling your own products on Amazon. Firstly, there is Amazon Create Space which allows you to create ebooks, videos and DVDs. Once uploaded to Amazon you can set a price and sit back while Amazon does the rest i.e. printing, recording and distribution. In fact Amazon pretty much does it all while you sit back and enjoy a share in the profit.

Then there is Amazon Marketplace which gives you the option of selling physical products either new or used. All you pay is a transaction fee and of course the shipping. All products you sell on Amazon will be stocked and shipped by you. Although there may be competition from other sellers, especially where prices are concerned, the beauty of selling your own product rather than promote an Amazon item, is that you can also promote further items and include promotional materials in the packaging when you ship out all sold products. Again, there are thousands of affiliate marketers who will be keen to become one of your affiliates and promote and sell your products to their buyers list. So, the more products you list on Amazon the more profit you are likely to make.

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