Category Archives: Selling Products

Money Making Affiliate Marketing Tips

Affiliate marketing is an excellent way for the internet entrepreneur to earn income – it requires no stocking of products, no shipping, no handling of returns, no credit card processing, etc. But sometimes it can be hard to make money as an affiliate marketer, because the competition can be pretty stiff. Here are some tips to help you stand out from the crowd of competition. Tip 1 – Content is King If there is an overused cliché in internet marketing, it’s probably “Content is King”. But it […]

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Make Money Online Using Amazon

Not many people know this, but you can actually make money online using Amazon. Amazon have set up an affiliate program (they call it the “Amazon Associates Program”). The theory behind the Amazon Associates program is amazingly simple. By sending traffic to the Amazon website, you will earn a commission (between 5%-10%) on all of the sales that result from any visitors that you send. This is great because it means you do not have to get involved in product fulfillment. You have no stock to store, […]

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Sell Your Own Products on Amazon

As well as becoming an affiliate marketer where you can earn money from the sales of other people’s products, selling your own products is now ever more popular. Selling your own products not only entitles you to all of the profit, it also allows you to gain affiliates and have them promote and sell your products as well. There are several options to consider when it comes to selling your own products on Amazon. Firstly, there is Amazon Create Space which allows you to create ebooks, videos […]

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